Berkshire Hathaway
The holding company that legendary Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger have assembled doesn't mail out perks to its investors. However, owning at least a single share of Berkshire Hathaway grants access to the shareholder meeting. This isn't just about hearing Buffett -- arguably the greater investor of his generation -- offer invaluable investing advice during the long Q & A sessions. Most of the Berkshire Hathaway companies have booths with their wares on their display, with many of them like See's Candies offering special pricing for shareholders during the annual powwow. GO BACK TO All perks in this website were active at the time they were published, but benefits do change over time and we may not have updated information here. Check with any company's investor relations department before buying into any of these stocks for the purpose of receiving the perk. Do Contact Us if perks did change or if there is a new company perk.
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